5 façons créatives d'utiliser des carreaux muraux à face fendue dans votre maison

Lorsque vous créez une maison, vous devez apporter votre personnalité, vos intérêts et votre beauté dans la maison. La clé est de créer une déclaration afin que lorsque vous ou vos invités entrez, ils puissent comprendre instantanément ce qu'est votre maison. Une façon de le faire est d'ajouter une certaine individualité à votre schéma de conception.

If you plan on using split face wall tiles in your home, here are five creative ways you can do that.

1. Kitchen Splashback

Are you looking to add some rustic charm to your modern kitchen? You can do this by using split face mini ledger panel as a kitchen splashback. We recommend that you set this off against dark wood for the best results.

Once you light the kitchen appropriately, you will find rich tones of wood and mosaic tiles in the kitchen. It can also ensure your space looks bigger.

2. Modern Hallway

Add the split face wall tiles in the modern hallway of your home. Be sure to keep the flooring neutral so that it can easily blend in with the space. You can also utilize subtle wall lights that scatter light from the bottom and top of the wall.

Such lighting will highlight the color of the split face ledgestone. Once guests walk past your hallway, they will live the homey yet modern feel of your house.

3. Fireplace

Take the look of your fireplace to the next level with split face mosaic wall tiles. It will be an eye-catcher for anyone that walks into your living room. The rustic and charming fireplace with your modern home will blend in a fantastic manner.

You can also utilize some light furnishings to add more texture to the fireplace. Once you are done, you will have a rustic and comfortable fireplace that will exude warmth.

4. Feature Wall

Many people keep their living rooms simple and clean. However, if you want to add some personality, you can always use splitface ledger panel 6×24 wall tile for a feature wall. They are an ideal addition to any minimal living room.

You can set it as a backdrop for your furniture, and it will be the first thing guests notice when they enter. You can furnish the room with grey or beige upholstery for the best results.

5. Bathroom

Complement your bathroom countertop with split face mosaic tiles. The best way to use these tiles in the bathroom is by keeping them minimal. You can also add some under-counter lighting or spotlights to add more character to your bathroom.

Most people don’t think about the bathroom too much when it comes to aesthetics. However, your entire home should blend in and go together.

Final Words

These are the top five creative ways you can use split face wall tiles in your home. You can use any of the ways you like depending on what room you want to enhance. Once you do, you will love the appearance and feel of your home.

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Je viens de Top Source Stone. Nous sommes un professionnel Fabricant de pierres empilées en Chine. Nous fournissons des panneaux de pierre empilés de qualité supérieure, des pierres de rebord, des revêtements en pierre et des carreaux de mosaïque à face fendue pour une utilisation intérieure et extérieure. Obtenez dès maintenant un devis instantané pour vos projets !

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