How to Produce Stacked Stones Panels?

We look at the stacked stone tile and are in awe of how they seem so beautiful. However, there is an entire production process that goes behind creating such perfect stacked stone panels. Here is the entire production process of the stacked stone wall to help you understand.

1. Sourcing Raw Material From Local Quarry

Firstly, the companies have to source natural stone, out of which they create the ledger stone tile. We do this by visiting the local quarry and sourcing the raw material from there. It is not an easy job and consumes a lot of time and energy.

Once the raw material has been collected, it is transported to the factory. Over there, it is stored in the material warehouse until it is ready to cut.

2. Machine-Cut Into Required Sizes

Soon after it is stored, the slate stone tile materials are cut by machines into required sizes. These sizes are ideal for creating complete stone ledger panels that go into your homes.

Each company creates sizes depending on our customer’s requirements.

Usually, normal sizes are popular and different sizes are available for our factory.

3. Splitting Blocks For Textured Finish

Once the natural stacked stones are cut, they are split into blocks for a great textured finish. After all, the stone must look smooth so that it can be used for decoration and design in the home. After the blocks are split, gluing preparation takes place.

The workers prepare the panels so that they can glue the stacked stone panels on them. That is how pre-cut panels are made for you to use.

4. Gluing Pieces Together To Form Panels

After the gluing preparation is over, the workers sit down to glue the stacked stone pieces together to form complete panels. Each panel is a different texture and a unique size and color. you have wide varieties stacked stone ledger panels to choose from when you visit the stone cladding supplier.

5. Removing Excess Glue

Any excess glue is sanded away from the stones to control the quality of the stacked stone wall panels. Doing this ensures that the stones seamlessly fit on the panels and there is no glue showing up. It is an important part of the process that gives stacked stone panels exterior a finished look.

6. Docking And Trimming To Create Required Size Panel

Once the excess glue is removed, the stacked stone tile panels go through docking and trimming to ensure a perfect size. The company creates panels of different sizes so that customers have various options at their disposal.

7. Manufacturing Right Angled Corners(if needed)

Finally, the right-angled stacked stone corners are manufactured so that you can utilize the panels even near doors and windows. These corners enable you to fit in the panels with much ease and confidence.

Final Words

That is the complete production process of slate stacked stone tile. They go through an extensive procedure just so you can have fantastic panels that you can fix in your home or office. So, be sure to select a great supplier and renovate your property today.

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