Comment produire un revêtement en pierre?

The production process of Revêtement de pierre requires a lot of manual labor and technology. These things enable the factory to produce high-quality stone cladding that will offer great use for a long time. If you are planning to invest in stone wall cladding, you must familiarize yourself with the production process.

Here is a complete guide that will help you understand how stone wall covering is produced.

Sourcing The Stone

The first step to producing quality natural stone wall cladding is to source the raw material, i.e., the stone. There are various natural stones are procured to ensure the highest quality natural stone cladding panels. They are usually sourced from local quarries to make the production process much easier.

Cutting Of The Stone

Once the stones come to the factory, they are in their raw state. That is why manufacturers have to cut the stones and polish them to ensure a finished look. The blocks of stones are cut into different slabs of unique measurements.

After they are cut, the slabs are polished using the best technology and precision equipment. The key is to cut them into standard sizes so that they can easily be installed on the panel or cladding.

Setting The Stones

As the stones are cut, the panel or cladding is filled with cement, and one by one, stones are added to it. We either use cement or glue, depending on the type of panel we want to create. Cement-backed stones are heavier, and they are also much thicker.

On the other hand, glued panels are lightweight and less thick than cement-backed stones. The workers do all of this by their hands as they need to ensure that the slate stone cladding fits seamlessly with one another and panel looks cohesive and uniform.

Stored And Packed

After the panels are created, they are packed into cartons. Once all the cartons have been packed, they are loaded onto the plywood crates that hold these slabs with sturdiness. The plywood crates are packed with foam sheets to guarantee that the stone doesn’t get damaged during the shipment.

Then, each of these crates is loaded onto the container. Once the container is full, the stone slabs are taken to the supplier. The entire shipment process is done with a lot of care and quality control to guarantee that you get the best Z stone wall cladding in no time.

Final Words

That was your complete guide on how natural stone wall cladding panel is produced and shipped to suppliers. Of course, everyone will have a slightly unique manufacturing process, but this is ours. There are quality checks at each step so that you can receive a high-quality finished product.

For more information on the stone cladding and panels we offer, please feel free to get in touch with us today. Our support team is available at all times and will be more than happy to help you out with any queries you might have. So, be sure to connect with our company soon.

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Je viens de Top Source Stone. Nous sommes un professionnel Fabricant de pierres empilées en Chine. Nous fournissons des panneaux de pierre empilés de qualité supérieure, des pierres de rebord, des revêtements en pierre et des carreaux de mosaïque à face fendue pour une utilisation intérieure et extérieure. Obtenez dès maintenant un devis instantané pour vos projets !

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