
Most people love to have a fireplace in their house. Well, not only do they uplift the entire ambiance of the room, but they also have several benefits. Today electric fireplaces are trendier; however, traditional-styled fireplaces are more efficient and long-lasting than modern ones. Choosing the right stone for the fireside can be challenging as numerous commercially available stones exist. So here are some of the top-quality stones that you can feature on your fireplace;


As fireplaces are typically the main focus of attention in the room, they have to be aesthetically pleasing. So the type of stone that fulfills this requirement is natural stacked stone, which is versatile and durable. In addition, fireplaces made of natural stone can tolerate high temperatures and resist abrasions. Such attributes make natural stone an ideal fireplace stone for everyday use.


Besides natural stones, granite is the second most popular material used in fireplaces. It is because granite has high tolerance toward heat and scratches, which makes it a more durable type of stone. In terms of design, it is highly versatile and available in numerous colors and patterns. Moreover, it works best with fireplaces that use gas or wood to generate heat. Such characteristics make granite an all-rounder allowing it to blend in perfectly with nearly all kinds of house settings.


Two words that come to mind when talking about marble are luxury and opulence. Unlike granite, marble is expensive and less resilient but offers timeless beauty and elegance to the room. Like any other fireplace stone, it is also resistant to heat and abrasions and works well with gas, wood, and electric fireplaces.

However, as marble is offered in light colors, it has to be frequently cleaned to avoid staining and crack formation on the surface. So if your household setting has a more sophisticated style, then marble is probably the stone to go for. However, its maintenance requires you to put in more effort.


Few people choose limestone for their fireplaces because it gives a more rustic and earthy look. Although it may not fit the aesthetic vibe of every home, it is quite budget-friendly and robust. It is long-lasting and has a high tolerance for heat and scratches. Unlike marble and granite, it is unsuitable for wood fireplaces and only works well with gas and electric firesides. Since limestone comes in lighter tones like cream, tan, white and gray, it requires additional sealing to avoid stains. Like marble, fireplaces made of limestone should be frequently cleaned and maintained.

Choosing the best stone for the hearth can be tough; therefore, you must narrow your priorities. Budget and durability are typically the top concerns for most people when buying a stone for their fireside. However, most people consider factors like aesthetic appearance and sustenance when choosing a stone for a fireplace. To prevent yourself from making any wrong decisions, it is always better to take assistance from an expert.

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